Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Owen's 2 Month Check-up

Owen's check-up went well yesterday. He's a healthy, happy baby. He's now 13 pounds 10 ounces and 24.25 inches long. He's on the large end of the growth scale. Feels like it, too! Everytime I pick him up, I swear he's gained a pound! He's one solid boy!

Harry Potter

Russ picked up the new Harry Potter book for me on Saturday. I'm thoroughly enjoying it. I love to get lost in J. K. Rowling's imagination, but the cry of the baby or the sound of the boys playing pulls me back all too soon. Therefore it should come as no surprise that I'm not even half way through the book. I'm actually afraid to turn on the tv or go out shopping out of fear that someone will spoil any part of the book for me. I can't wait for Brandon to be old enough to enjoy Potter. I'm looking forward to reading the books to him and sharing the adventures with him for the first time.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Hadija's 1st Birthday

Yesterday was my niece's 1st birthday, so we all gathered at my mom's house for a party. She was having such a good time sticking her fingers in the cake and fingerpainting on the table with the icing. At gift time, she was off finding things that amused her (old toys that were already all over the room). She wasn't into the whole unwrapping thing, so she let mom do all the work. Busy girl also got to play in the water with her cousins before crashing for a nap. My mom had bought a little blow up waterslide that was just the right size for the kids. Sadly the slide wasn't the same as the picture on the box and didn't even work. So kids being kids, made the best of it and played on it anyway.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

All Hallows 20 Year Reunion

I went to my elementary school reunion on Saturday at Tahoe Park. It may have only been a small group of us, but we had a really good time hanging out. There were so many stories being told that I had forgotten all about. I was in tears from laughing so hard. It was so wonderful to see everyone. I'm hoping we can keep in touch and get together again in the future.

Back Row: John Hoffman, Karen Mosloskie, Staci Endicott, Colleen Delgado
Front Row: Cindy Terk, Isabel Perez, Sheilah King

Jeff Vargas, Isabel, Staci and Staci's mom, Sharon (in pink)

It's Baby Owen!

We have been a busy little household with the addition of our new baby, Owen. The boys just love him. Brandon says, "Awww, he's so cute." Dylan loves to touch Baby O's head. He's actually taken to poking him lately. So far, Owen doesn't seem to mind. Of course, Russ & I are exhausted trying to manage the needs of all three.

This is Owen at 6 weeks old. He's so much bigger than Brandon and Dylan ever were. Those two were lean, long babies. Owen is round and chunky. I just love his chubby cheeks and fatty little legs! At 5 weeks old, he was already wearing 3-6 month clothes.