Tuesday, December 11, 2007

...so we got a Christmas tree today. The boys had a blast walking up and down between the trees at Indian Rock Ranch. They loved that the ground was frozen with frost, and how it crunched under their little booted feet. Brandon was sure he was going to find the perfect tree. In fact he pointed out quite a few perfect trees. He was completely into the tree hunt. Dylan, on the other hand, just wanted to run up and down the mountain. I don't know how many times Russ had to grab him by the hood so he wouldn't go barreling down the mountain. Owen spent the day in the Baby Bjorn. Talk about cardio and weight training all at once! You try strapping 18 pounds to the front of you and hike up a mountain. Today I realized that we should have dug out the Kelty and put O on my back.

Something happened tonight that hasn't happened in years...we decorated our tree the same day we brought it home. I loved watching my boys decorate the tree. I loved that only the bottom branches were sagging with ornaments. Russ helped them balance out the tree and decorated the upper branches with the glass and heavy ornaments.

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