Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Preschool field trip to the park

All the "graduating" kids got to go on a field trip to the park today. They were all so excited when we got there. They played Red Rover, one of my favorite games when I was little. Brandon is such a gentle boy. He didn't want to hurt anyone, so he didn't run when his name was called. He let himself get caught, too. It was so cute!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Owen's 1st Birthday

Owen had his first birthday party at his lola's (grandma) house today. We kept his first party small, so he could enjoy himself and not be overwhelmed by so many unfamiliar faces. Owen had a wonderful time playing with his balloons, eating cake and playing with his new toys.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Owen's 1st haircut

Our baby had his first haircut this morning! He did so well. He sat in the chair like such a little man and let the hairdresser cut his hair. The only time he had an issue was when she whipped out those electric clippers. He wanted to look at them, so he kept moving his head to see them. She tried to distract Owen with toys as she hid the clippers behind her back. Owen wasn't falling for her silly tricks. He was dying to figure out where the clippers were hiding. Now all of his long curls are gone (sniff). No more big bushy baby hair (sniff, sniff). Owen looks like a handsome little man now. He's growing way too fast! He's probably our last baby, so all of his milestones are hitting me really hard.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Crash n' burn

Gosh that little Deeters of ours is accident prone! The boy literally has no fear. On Sunday I caught him perched on top off his skinny bed rail, both legs through the lower rungs of the bunk bed ladder and holding on to the upper portion of the ladder with his hands. So, of course, like any concerned parent, I made him get down and took the bed rail away so he wouldn't kill himself when I'm not looking.

Bed time came. The bed rail was replaced with a thick blanket on the floor, because I was pretty sure Deets would fall out of bed. Sure enough, I'm 3 steps out their door and I hear a thud, then crying. He some how managed to fall and land on the small protruding foot portion of the bed. That much is obvious when I look at his boo-boo: a gigantic goose egg with a dent in the center the exact size of the foot on the corner of his bed. No wonder he couldn't stop crying! He was growing another limb out of his forehead! After 30 minutes of ice and comfort, he was ready to go back to bed.

The story gets better...Dylan recently started preschool and yesterday was picture day. Unfortunately, his hair wasn't long enough to cover the bump. Even if it was, it wouldn't have done any good since the photos were taken outside in all that terrible wind! Nothing like bringing home your first school pictures with a huge bump and a partial black eye.

Friday, May 16, 2008

"Wire forks"

"Wire forks"
That's is Dylan's word for fireworks. I didn't realize that his word is a dyslexic version of fireworks until I typed it out in this blog. Anyway, Russ & I were discussing the kids' preschool fireworks booth, when Deets tried to repeat what we said. It was pretty darned cute.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Nature's Critters

Brandon's preschool had Nature's Critters visit today. The kids got to learn about several bugs and reptiles (tortoise, lizard, snake, legless lizard, hissing cockroaches, stick bugs, mealworms, African millipede). The kids just loved seeing all the live animals and touching them was pretty cool. Dylan wasn't too sure about some of the animals coming around for touching. He'd just shake his head if he didn't want a turn to touch. Can't say that I blame him. He refused to stick his hand in a box of meal worms. Eww! He didn't mind looking, but touching was out of the question. Brandon, on the other hand, touched everything. He thought the whole presentation was pretty cool.

Monday, May 5, 2008


Today is our 7th wedding anniversary. Russ planned an afternoon of lunch at PF Changs and shopping. He said we always go to dinner, so he thought this year we should do something different. It was a fun spending the afternoon with just my husband. He looked up some of the little boutiques in midtown that he thought I might like. That actually made the shopping fun. Russ is so thoughtful and good to me. I am thankful every day that I had the luck to marry such a wonderful man.

Owen feeds himself

I've been trying to teach Owen how to put food in his own mouth. He was having such a hard time with the Cheerios, so I gave him a chunk of graham cracker yesterday. That did the trick. He was able to hold the cracker and nibble the end. Today he figured out how to put the Cheerio in his mouth and get it to stay there, rather than still be in his tight little grip. Just looking at the huge smile on his face told me he was quite pleased with himself.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Sit 'n Spin

The boys have two different sit 'n spins, but they only like one. They usually fight over who gets the "good one". They have discovered a compromise as you can see in the video. My mom is playing with the baby off camera, so it's hard to tell who is saying what in some parts of the video. Enjoy!