Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Crash n' burn

Gosh that little Deeters of ours is accident prone! The boy literally has no fear. On Sunday I caught him perched on top off his skinny bed rail, both legs through the lower rungs of the bunk bed ladder and holding on to the upper portion of the ladder with his hands. So, of course, like any concerned parent, I made him get down and took the bed rail away so he wouldn't kill himself when I'm not looking.

Bed time came. The bed rail was replaced with a thick blanket on the floor, because I was pretty sure Deets would fall out of bed. Sure enough, I'm 3 steps out their door and I hear a thud, then crying. He some how managed to fall and land on the small protruding foot portion of the bed. That much is obvious when I look at his boo-boo: a gigantic goose egg with a dent in the center the exact size of the foot on the corner of his bed. No wonder he couldn't stop crying! He was growing another limb out of his forehead! After 30 minutes of ice and comfort, he was ready to go back to bed.

The story gets better...Dylan recently started preschool and yesterday was picture day. Unfortunately, his hair wasn't long enough to cover the bump. Even if it was, it wouldn't have done any good since the photos were taken outside in all that terrible wind! Nothing like bringing home your first school pictures with a huge bump and a partial black eye.

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