Saturday, July 12, 2008

"No make it"

We go through this ritual at every lunch and dinner time. It usually goes like this:

Deets: "I hungry, Mommy."
Mommy: "What would you like to eat, honey?"
Deets: "Cream cheese sandwich and no make it. No make it, Mommy."
Mommy: "Ok"
Deets: "No make it. Just want to eat it."
Mommy: "Well, I have to put the sandwich together."
Deets: "Ok, but no make it."
Mommy: "Ok."

Dylan thinks "making it" means I have to cook it, so he will have to wait 10 to 20 minutes to eat. When D is hungry, he's hungry right now. I'm really in trouble if he wants waffles or meatballs or anything that requires cooking. I usually hand him the frozen food when he insists on eating "right now." That cures the "no make it" argument for the moment, but next meal time it starts all over again. It can be annoying, but at the same time it's so darned cute, I'm not annoyed for long.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Busy holiday weekend

I swear we did more this weekend than we do in a normal week! The boys were finally over their Hand Foot and Mouth. They looked to be well on the 4th, but we still kept other kids at a distance. After all Brandon and Owen still had the fading blisters on the 3rd.

Our neighbors across the street hosted the annual 4th of July party, so we were able to join in without possibly infecting their kids. We just set up our chairs on our lawn and watched the fireworks extravaganza from our side of the street. The boys loved the fireworks as long as they weren't loud. Since so many neighbors bring fireworks, the night goes on for hours. After 30 minutes, our boys were running around the yard and wanting to ride their bikes. Russ and his mom, Diane, eventually walked them up to the levy to watch the big fireworks going off across the river. They loved that! Brandon said it was the best day EVER!

We spent Saturday at Diane's house. She has an inflatable water slide, and the boys got to try it out. BIG HIT! They were fighting over who's turn it was. Even Owen got in on some of the action. He liked sliding, but preferred splashing around in the pool end. It was a day of play, napping and dinner at Grandma's house. Another great day!

Sunday morning we surprised the boys with a trip to "Duck Park" (McKinley Park). They were in heaven. They played hard on the play structures, sat just long enough to eat a snack, and then it was off to feed the ducks. Dylan was hilarious throwing whole pieces of bread. Owen was trying really hard to copy his brothers. His bread landed at Daddy's feet instead of in the water. It was so cute. We got really lucky: no pushy geese. Before we left, they boys wanted to get some swing time in. The only reason we left the park was because it was so hot! Sooooo hotttttttt!!!!! We decided to pack a lunch and take the boys swimming. Brandon practiced swimming with Daddy and then put on his water wings. He thought those things were the best. All he wanted to do was swim back and forth across the pool. Dylan spent the day jumping into the pool with Daddy. That's all he likes to do. Owen was running so fast in the kiddie pool he kept falling and going under water. I'd pick him up and off he was running again. It was crazy! We were at the pool so long that the baby ended up napping there, and continued to nap once we got him home and put to bed. That NEVER happens.

I was actually looking forward to going into the office for some "quiet" time to myself today. That didn't quite work out, though. I ran a few errands and came home to Russ needing me to drive him to the doctor. His back was spasming so bad could barely walk. Luckily the doctor was able to see him and treat his back in his office. After I got Russ home, I spent the rest of the afternoon picking up work at my office, at the pharmacy, at the grocery store and finally home to make dinner for the family. Then I still had to work. I'm exhausted now, but can't sleep! I think I've been going and going and going for so long that my body just isn't ready to rest yet. I really wish it would!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Deets starts potty training

Today is the big day for Dylan! We came in from swimming this morning, and instead of putting on a new diaper, I asked him if he wanted to wear his big boy underwear like Brandon. Without hesitation, he said yes. That was not the answer I expected. . .he usually says, "No way."

We popped on a pair of Nemo underpants, and I moved his potty chair to the tile entryway so he doesn't have to run so far to reach it. We've been through three pairs of underwear so far, but at least he goes to sit on the potty when he's done. The idea is there, he just needs to get the order down.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Hand Foot and Mouth

What a horrible disease! Owen has it now. Poor kid has the blisters on his tongue and on his butt clear down to the bottom of his feet. Luckily the only blisters that are bothering him are the ones in his mouth. He can't get well fast enough, though. Because the kids are so contagious, we will be spending the 4th of July holiday at home in our little bubble. At least they can watch the fireworks Russ bought out in front of our house without fear of passing the germs on to anyone else!