Saturday, July 12, 2008

"No make it"

We go through this ritual at every lunch and dinner time. It usually goes like this:

Deets: "I hungry, Mommy."
Mommy: "What would you like to eat, honey?"
Deets: "Cream cheese sandwich and no make it. No make it, Mommy."
Mommy: "Ok"
Deets: "No make it. Just want to eat it."
Mommy: "Well, I have to put the sandwich together."
Deets: "Ok, but no make it."
Mommy: "Ok."

Dylan thinks "making it" means I have to cook it, so he will have to wait 10 to 20 minutes to eat. When D is hungry, he's hungry right now. I'm really in trouble if he wants waffles or meatballs or anything that requires cooking. I usually hand him the frozen food when he insists on eating "right now." That cures the "no make it" argument for the moment, but next meal time it starts all over again. It can be annoying, but at the same time it's so darned cute, I'm not annoyed for long.

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