Saturday, January 23, 2010

Owen's new bed

We decided Owen is just too big to still be sleeping in a crib. What we didn't realize was that he actually liked his crib.

Every night he would climb into those sea of blankets, stuffed animals, books and pillows, find a little spot for himself, and snuggle right in with a sippy cup of milk. The best part was when he finished the milk. He'd stand right up, bang the cup repeatedly on the rail while yelling, "Mommy, I done!" until someone would come and take his cup away. We never got that on video, now that I think of it.

A couple of weeks ago, Russ and I went shopping for Owen's new bed. We thought it would be so cool to get him a Thomas the Tank Engine bed, since Owen love, love, LOVES trains. As soon as we saw the price tag on the Thomas bed, we turned straight away to a more practical bed. It actually looks a lot like his crib (same finish and same slats on the headboard). We were so excited to replace Owen's crib with the bed, but erred on the side of caution and waited until Owen agreed to the upgrade. We asked him if he wanted to sleep in a big boy bed instead of his crib. He said, "No," without hesitation. Not willing to accept that answer, I showed him a picture of the bed on our computer. He still said, "No." Russ and I just looked at each other in defeat.

So what did we do? We waited a week and asked again when Owen was in a really good mood. Owen hesitated before he answered, "Yes?" The look on his face said it all. He was answering what he thought was right, but just wasn't quite sure he was doing the right thing. Needless to say we ran with the answer. We took the boys to my mom's house that day, and when he came home we presented him with his new bed. He screamed and dance around. (Another video moment we missed.) We asked him if he liked it, and he said, "Ya!" Once we had the Thomas bedding on, he got even more excited. He exclaimed, "That's cool!" and immediately tucked his penguin into bed.

His first night in his new bed went off without a hitch. I realized that he needed a tiny little bedside table so he could put his cup somewhere when he's done with his milk. I figured the sit & spin would work just fine, so now it's his make shift table. No more banging and yelling when he's done with his milk, which I have to admit I'm going to miss. The baby stage has been gone for quite some time (some will argue there never really was a baby stage with Owen), but the changing landscape of the boys room makes it official.

The funny thing about the new bed is it took Owen almost a week to figure out that he could just pop out of bed and come running down the hall. Up until this morning he was still calling out "mommy." He wouldn't come running until he heard me call out, "Mousy! Come here!" That boy is the happiest morning face in this house. He's like a little ray of sunshine, and he makes me smile no matter how tired I am.

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