Saturday, February 6, 2010

Mmmm! Carbonara!

One of my favorite winter meals is carbonara. It's so warm and creamy with a hearty flavor. There is something about this dish that makes me groan involuntarily. Whenever I'd have this craving, I'd talk Russ into going to Spataro for dinner. I'd satisfy my craving and also get to spend the evening chatting with my husband in a setting far removed from home. Seeing as our dining out has come to a screeching halt due to one less job in the family, I no longer have this to fall back on.

Tonight was the night I had my craving, so I thought tonight is the night I would brave the kitchen. I've been told that it's a fairly basic dish, but having the knowledge that the sauce is raw egg, cream and cheese makes me hesitant in the cooking department. None the less, I felt confident that I would succeed. It kind of helped that during my blog reading, Sobrina posted the following: giving me even more confidence that I could do this.

It turned out pretty good, and my craving has been satisfied.

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