Sunday, March 14, 2010

Diamondbacks win their first game!

Brandon had such a great first game. He was really paying attention while he was in the outfield, which is saying a lot about our chronic daydreamer. He may have struck out the first time he was at bat, but he nailed it the second time and got on base. When he turned around to face the crowd from first base, he was smiling so big my heart was just bursting. Sorry, but I am a mom, and can't help myself. When he got to home plate, he just stood there smiling until coach called him into the dugout. Oh, and he was extra cute all geared up to play catcher. He was killing us all that he practically walked the ball to the pitcher every time. My sweet boy didn't know what he was doing. He'll know what to do next time, I'm sure. The whole team did so great. It really was a lot of fun to watch.

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