Saturday, June 19, 2010

Dylan "graduates"

Dylan has graduated from preschool. I don't think he really understood what was happening, and if he did, he wasn't letting anyone in on the secret. He was pretty happy about his graduation picture. It listed the following:
  • Favorite color: All the colors
  • Favorite thing to do at school: Play outside and do jobs
  • Favorite food: Jelly Sandwich
  • My best friend at school: Owen and Ty-Ty
  • When I grow up I want to be king of the video games. (Hence the Wario background)
Sadly the graduation ceremony was super lame, and the parents were super silent through the whole thing. I think they were speechless. Being a parent, I think I was in shock that the graduates were lined up, asked each child only 1 of their favorite things, handed their picture to them, and moved on. The whole thing lasted about 5 minutes. Not that the kids noticed. I'm just so used to our old director, Miss Shari, making a big deal over each child and making them feel special. I felt our middle child was cheated out of what could have been an even more special moment. When it was all over, I think Dylan was thankful. He looked like he was getting tired of holding that cap on his head (stupid thing didn't even fit). Not one smile on stage, but big smiles once he came down. He was so excited to show us his Wario picture.

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