Thursday, July 22, 2010

Swimming Lessons

The boys have been taking swimming lessons the last couple of weeks. Brandon went from being a non-swimmer to swimming across the pool by himself and grabbing a toy from the bottom of the deep end. He is clearly proud of himself.

Dylan has also begun swimming on his own this week. He tells me, "Mommy, I'm doing my scoops and kicks like this," and shows me while standing up. He is also very proud of his progress.

Owen is still swimming with a swim noodle, but he shows no fear of the water. He's proud no matter what he does.

I haven't been able to go to swimming this whole week due to my deadlines at the paper. Completely bummed, but my saving grace is that our swim instructor has an opening at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow. They can show me everything they can do now instead of just telling me.

Dylan scooping and kicking to Amanda

Owen jumping in with Amanda

Brandon showing off his swimming skills

Photos taken by Diane Fuller, aka Grandma

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