Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Count down to summer

Summer is fast approaching, and our calendar is filling up. The kids are antsy to stop going to school, and I'm anxious to stop taking them. This time of year I look at the calendar every day hoping there isn't some crazy school activity I have to attend. I ABSOLUTELY ADORE MY KIDS, but I am done-zo by Memorial Day and really don't want to have to go to the school anymore than dropping off and picking up. If I could get out of that too, I would.

So the count down is on. 15 days to freedom. I am determined to do things different this summer. I don't want to spend this break doing the same things we always do, so I asked the kids to come up with a "wish list" for summer. They were told not everything on the list has to be realistic or practical. We encourage imaginations. You never know when some crazy idea will lead to something fantastic, so I told them to run with it. I can't wait to see what they come up with.

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