Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Apple Hill

We took the kids up to Apple Hill today. We wanted to pick out pumpkins from a pumpkin patch and eat some apple goodies. I managed to trip and fall on the stairs going out to the garage when we were leaving. I rolled my ankle and heard it crack and pop in three places, all while I was holding the baby. Scary! Owen was fine. Not a bump or scratch on him. I, on the other hand, iced my ankle all the way up the hill. I probably shouldn't have walked on it all day, but I did anyway for the kids.

First stop was the Kids Inc. pumpkin patch. Brandon LOVED it! He walked all the way up the hillside looking for the "perfect" pumpkin. Dylan lasted about a minute, before he was wanting Russ to carry him. When he was on the ground, he was sitting in the dirt rubbing his hands in it. After they ran around the patch picking the big pumpkins, we headed back up to the buildings and let the boys pick out one little pumpkin each. I made them sit next to one of the scarecrows, so I could take their picture. Russ was not happy with Kids Inc. The proprietor was extremely rude and bossy. Guess we won't be going back there again.

With the pumpkins out of the way, we drove to Larsens for a slice of pie and hot chocolate. I used to go there when I was a kid, so I was looking forward to the yumminess. I was a little disappointed to find several seeds and a stem in my slice. I also couldn't believe they handed us cups of hot water and instant cocoa. The boys thought the pie looked weird, so they didn't even taste it. At least they had a few sips of their cocoa. We took them across the street to the park after our snack, so they could run around and blow off some steam. The loved just running and running in all the openness. I'd say their very favorite part was the stream that ran under a bridge. They were dropping leaved in the water and watching them float away. They could have stayed all day.

We finally dragged them away, stopped at Boa Vista Orchards to pick up a box of apples and several other apples, pears, caramel apples and a pie. Such a busy, fun day for all of us. The boys were so exhausted, they slept all the way home.

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