Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Soooo much trick-or-treating today. It started at 10am this morning at Brandon's preschool. They marched around to the local businesses in their costumes trick-or-treating. The parade of costumes was so adorable.

When we got home, we tried to carve pumpkins with the kids, but they got bored and wandered off. At least it was a Mommy-Daddy team effort: Daddy gutted and Mommy carved a ghost and a bat. Then during the kids nap time (all three were, thankfully, asleep), Russ & I finished decorating the front of our house: spider webs with spiders big and small and the inflated spider & Frankenstein. Russell made sure all trick-or-treaters knew they could stop at our house. Apparently, people were taking pictures of their kids in front of our house. Our boys loved all of Daddy's decorations.

They completely loved going door to door. Dylan actually lasted through our little circle of houses. Since my mom was handing out candy for us, we trick-or-treated our own house last. Mom loved our surprise. She screamed and then couldn't stop laughing. I thought we were done for the evening, but Brandon was ready to hit some more houses. We dumped out his pumpkin, and hit the neighborhood two more times. He would have gone all night if I let him. Now we have candy to last us until spring.

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