Thursday, January 3, 2008

And another year begins

As nice as the holidays were, I am sooooo glad they are over. The boys had the most wonderful holiday season. I think they spent more time at the grandmas' houses (overnighters) than they did at home. Well, it feels that way anyway. They've been smothered with love and attention and more toys than they know what to do with. We decided that Brandon was old enough to start giving to kids less fortunate than he is. We explained how very lucky he is to have such a loving family and a warm bed to sleep in and so many toys to play with. Then we told him that there are some boys and girls who don't have a warm, safe house to sleep in and no toys to play with, so wouldn't it be nice to give them one of our toys. He actually wanted to give them a house, not toys. In the end he chose one of his unopened toys to give away. The most difficult part for him was choosing which toy to give. I was so proud of him for being such a big boy and so giving. I didn't expect him to handle giving away one of his presents so well.

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