Monday, January 28, 2008

Brandon & the stomach flu

Brandon scared us all to death with how sick he got last week. All he would drink was water. Food was completely out of the question and that included popsicles. He couldn't even keep water down, so he was absolutely freaked out about consuming anything at all. After three days of only water, I finally convinced him to eat 1/2 a popsicle. That only happened because we had been to the doctor that day, and I reminded him that he promised the doctor he would eat popsicles. I also tried sneaking Gatorade into his water. He told me that his water "stinks". Juice? No. 7-up? No. The boy was a skeleton, and we were positive he was going to end up in the hospital. The next day he ate a whole popsicle and some applesauce. With each day he ate a little more and a little more. But I do have to tell you that my patience was pushed to the breaking point. Trying to explain to a 4 year old what it means to go to the hospital because he won't eat popsicles and drink juice is a lost cause. There were no words. Even more frustrating when he would ask for food, and then not eat it. I can only hope we don't go through that again any time soon. I feel like I lost years off my life!

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