Saturday, March 29, 2008

A Wiggles afternoon

The boys enjoyed a surprise afternoon with the Wiggles today! They were pretty excited to see all their favorite characters from tv. At first I wasn't sure they were enjoying themselves. They just sat there in our laps with mouths wide open. They laughed and smiled through most of the show. Dylan got a bit antsy towards the end. He's 2 1/2 and the show was an hour and 30 minutes. After the show we asked the boys if they liked their surprise. They both said they did. Dylan actually wanted to see the show all over again. It was a happy afternoon for the four of us. (Owen stayed home with his Lola since we thought the show would be too much for a 10 month old.) The boys said they wanted Owen to go next time. Aren't they sweet?

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter photos

Easter weekend

The kids had a fun filled Easter weekend. They've been at my mom's house since Thursday, because Russ & I are so sick we can barely move. We've been dropping the baby off during the day so we can get the rest we need. This viral thing could not have come at a worse time! We missed coloring eggs, a big annual egg hunt hosted by one of Russ's friends, the looks on their faces when they woke up to their baskets, and the biggest of all: Owen walking for the first time! 8 steps! He gave us a repeat performance today. He just stood up and walked. He did it like he'd been walking for weeks. I was speechless. Since we'd missed so much, we pulled ourselves out of bed to watch the kids hunt for eggs at mom's house. It was wonderful to see them so happy and having so much fun. We are all so lucky to have family to help us out. It would have been a sad Easter otherwise.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Big boy O

Owen is determined to do everything his brothers can do. He's been watching the brothers ride their trike and Dora car all over the house. Now when he finds either free, he climbs right on. He can't go anywhere, but he sure looks proud of himself once he's perched in the seat. I took this photo of Owen last week.

We just can't stay well!

The word "healthy" needs to be removed from my vocabulary! Everytime I use the word, someone else in this house gets sick. Owen has had a fever the couple of days and a horribly snotty nose. Today he's actually fever free, but he's still miserable. His poor mouth is just bugging him with all his new teeth fighting their way through his gums.

This morning both Russ & I woke up sick, complete with fevers, headaches, body aches, coughing...It's been a pretty miserable day. Brandon & Dylan were going stir crazy having to deal with us sick folks, so my mom, thankfully, took them to her house tonight. They will be able to spend some good playtime with well people, and then come home to their black hole of a home in the morning. Fingers crossed either Russ or I will be feeling better.

Monday, March 17, 2008

All Healthy!!!!!

Brandon is doing just fine. The doctor wants him to continue his med for the strep, but other than that he's back to normal. Running around and playing and arguing with his brother. He and Deets went to the dentist this morning too. Dylan's first visit. It actually went really well. No cavities! So we celebrated with a cookie after lunch today. Everyone is happy and healthy! (Knock on wood)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Final health report? Hope so!

After nap yesterday, Brandon was back to his old self, running around and rough housing with his brother. He was a wirlwind of activity. I'm guessing he's better, but we are going back to the doctor tomorrow morning to be sure.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Back to the doctor

Brandon was still running a fever this morning and his neck was still a bit stiff, so he got another couple of shots in his legs again today. My poor baby! He spent all morning resting and watching cartoons. After his nap, he woke up as a whole new boy. He was running around and going absolutely slap happy wild with his brother. He has another appointment on Monday to check his progress. So far it's looking like he's going to be just fine. Thank goodness! I truly hope this is the very last time he (or any of the boys) gets sick. I'm mentally exhausted!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Brandon's pain in the neck

Our poor Brandon is sick again! He's had strep since Sunday, and he's been on antibiotics since Monday. A couple of days ago he couldn't really move his neck. He was crying because it was so painful. We just thought he slept on it wrong. Turns out his strep caused an infection in the glands in his neck. They were so huge and swollen, his head was actually cocked to one side. Paired with his high fever yesterday, the doctor thought it was serious enough that he needed strong antibiotic shots right then and there. My poor baby was pinned down and had four shots deep in the muscle tissue of his legs. They said its supposed to be like a miracle drug, and that he should be back to normal by tomorrow, but his legs are going to be really sore for a few days. We go back to the doctor tomorrow (lucky we have a doctor open on Saturdays) where they will check his progress. If he's still not looking good, he'll have to have another round of shots. Crossing fingers that he'll be all well!

Owen's new chompers

Well, it's official. The baby now has teeth. What I thought was a miserable time of 4 teeth cutting in, turns out to be 6! No wonder he doesn't sleep and wants to eat ALL the time. 4 have poked through. 2 more to go!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Owen's 1st Step!

Today Owen took that first step. He let go of me, turned and took a sideways step before he sat down again. Kind of scary since he's not 10 months yet!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Top bunk update

Brandon just loves his top bunk. It's his own private space, and he loves to sleep up there. The boys now have plenty of room to play and run around if they want...well, until the baby moves in anyway.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Brandon's "new" bed

Tonight was the night that Brandon decided he wanted to sleep on the top bunk. He was beyond excited about his new bed. We were wondering how long it was going to take him to want to sleep up there. Then Russ found out that Brandon thought that we would put the ladder away on the top bunk with him at night. And why not? That's where the ladder goes every time the boys are done playing up there. Russ had to explain to Brandon that once he starts sleeping up there, the ladder would always stay down so he could get down in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom or come see us. The little light in his head clicked on, and up to the top bunk he's gone. We'll see how he does tonight.