Friday, March 14, 2008

Brandon's pain in the neck

Our poor Brandon is sick again! He's had strep since Sunday, and he's been on antibiotics since Monday. A couple of days ago he couldn't really move his neck. He was crying because it was so painful. We just thought he slept on it wrong. Turns out his strep caused an infection in the glands in his neck. They were so huge and swollen, his head was actually cocked to one side. Paired with his high fever yesterday, the doctor thought it was serious enough that he needed strong antibiotic shots right then and there. My poor baby was pinned down and had four shots deep in the muscle tissue of his legs. They said its supposed to be like a miracle drug, and that he should be back to normal by tomorrow, but his legs are going to be really sore for a few days. We go back to the doctor tomorrow (lucky we have a doctor open on Saturdays) where they will check his progress. If he's still not looking good, he'll have to have another round of shots. Crossing fingers that he'll be all well!

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