Thursday, March 20, 2008

We just can't stay well!

The word "healthy" needs to be removed from my vocabulary! Everytime I use the word, someone else in this house gets sick. Owen has had a fever the couple of days and a horribly snotty nose. Today he's actually fever free, but he's still miserable. His poor mouth is just bugging him with all his new teeth fighting their way through his gums.

This morning both Russ & I woke up sick, complete with fevers, headaches, body aches, coughing...It's been a pretty miserable day. Brandon & Dylan were going stir crazy having to deal with us sick folks, so my mom, thankfully, took them to her house tonight. They will be able to spend some good playtime with well people, and then come home to their black hole of a home in the morning. Fingers crossed either Russ or I will be feeling better.

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