Saturday, October 18, 2008

Go, dog. Go!

We took Brandon and Dylan to see Go, dog. Go! at the B Street Theatre today. We were a little nervous that Deets might get fidgety and bored. Oh, were we wrong! He barely blinked and laughed through most of the show. He just loved it. Brandon really enjoyed the show, too. Whenever I glanced at him he was watching with his mouth open or smiling. On the ride home, we asked them what their favorite part was. They couldn't decide. They named all sorts of things they saw.

The production was really enjoyable. I found myself laughing a lot, which really surprised me! I didn't expect it to be as funny as it was. The physical humor and facial expressions of a few actors had me laughing a lot. Russ and I were so glad that we were able to do something new and fun with the boys.

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