Saturday, October 4, 2008

Video: Froggie Owey

Owen is just figuring out that animals make sounds. After bath, Owen is usually the first one to come out to get dressed. He comes running out for big hugs. It's so sweet. While Owen is getting his diaper and jammies on, the older boys come running out wearing hooded animal towels and making the sound for whatever animal they are wearing. Now Owen thinks every animal roars. He has started running out of the bathroom roaring. The best part is he only roars when he's wearing the towel. If he takes his towel off and I ask him, "What does the froggie say?" he just looks at me. If I put the towel on his head and ask him again he roars. It's hilarious.

He's so cute when he roars, that I had to get it on video when I had a free moment. (After bath is just crazy time.)

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