Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Did Owen need stitches?

Good times today...Russ & I took Owen to the doctor this morning to see if he needed stitches in his chin. He had pushed the bathroom step stool, which has two steps, up to one of the light switches in the hallway. Only problem was the lower step was pushed up against the wall. I was in the kitchen when I heard the bang and then the horrible crying. I found him face down on the floor crying. I picked him up and immediately put his head on my shoulder. He was crying the "I'm really hurt" cry and hugging me as tight as he could. When I was able to pull away, I expected to see the cut lip, not the bleeding gash under his chin. We cleaned it and called the doctor. An hour later we were in the office, the cut had already sealed up pretty good, and we were instructed to keep it clean and to try to get a band aid on it. Owen narrowly escaped the stitches. Lucky boy! Russ managed to sneak a band aid with Neosporin on Owen's chin while he was napping today. When he woke up he didn't even know it was there.

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