Sunday, December 7, 2008

Time to get our Christmas tree

For the last few years we have driven up to Apple Hill to get our Christmas tree. We have always gone midweek so we could have the tree farm practically to ourselves. But now that Brandon is in kindergarten, we realized that we can really only go on weekends. We go to a really popular tree farm, so a weekend trip was out. There was no way we were going to sit in traffic just trying to get into the parking lot. On top of that, they cut the tree for you, so waiting for someone to be free would have been a long wait, too. We were aggravated just thinking about it!

Instead we stayed more local and went to Davis Ranch out in Sloughhouse. Russ and I missed the mountain air and hike to find a tree, but the kids didn't know the difference. We found our tree in about 5 minutes. That was just crazy fast. Brandon and Owen thought Daddy cutting down the tree was pretty cool. Not D...he wanted to cut the tree down with Daddy. After the tree was loaded up in the back of the truck, we let the boys run around a bit. They were just giddy running through all the trees.

We decorated the tree tonight, and I can't believe I don't have a single photo of us decorating! My super mom status is slipping! Anyway, Owen just couldn't get over the fact that we had a tree INSIDE our house and it was covered in toys and pretty lights!

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