Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Crazy people live in River Park

Russ and I were literally walking out the door Saturday when we heard a CHP helicopter over our house telling people to go back into their homes and lock the doors. They said an armed man was in the backyard of a neighbor's home. We looked down the street and saw several officers running onto a neighbor's property 4 houses down from us. It was a little odd that there were only 3 police cars down the street. It was also a little unnerving when the police blocked off our street beginning right in front of our house. Turned out the "crazy drunk man" was on the next street over. Also turned out that he wasn't holding a real gun. It was a pellet gun or something to that effect. By the time we could leave, we were no longer in the mood to go out. All I can say is that I'm thankful my children were not home. They were spending the day at their Lola's house.

Just an update

The laundry room has been reorganized so O-ton (Russ's nickname for Owen) can no longer reach the laundry soaps. The baby is once again safe for the time being.

The hope that Russ and I would not get as sick as the kids came true...we were sicker. I'm pretty sure I had the flu. Russ was hard to tell. He felt horrible, but didn't have as many symptoms as I did. It took a few weeks, but now the whole family is relatively healthy (knock on wood).

Monday, January 12, 2009

O! O! You in big trouble buddy!

What did O do now? Last week I caught him in the laundry room taking all the bottles of laundry soap down. He was lining them up on the floor. I scolded him, put the bottles back and showed him the living room. Later the same day, I found him back in the laundry room sitting with a bottle of Spray 'n Wash squirting himself in the chest. Again I scolded him, but this time I had to strip off the soapy jammies before I escorted him out of the laundry room. That boy is trouble!

The sick house

Dylan was the first one to get sick this year. He missed preschool all last week because of his cold. He was miserable for about 4 days, and then he started getting better. Now the other two are pretty sick with the same cold. Lots of painful coughing and nasty noses. Fingers crossed that it doesn't hit Russ & I as hard as it's hit the kids.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I shouldn't have laughed

Owen has been a little spit fire lately. He's been unplugging lamps and then trying to plug them back in. He climbed on a chair to get into his highchair, then proceeded to stand on the tray, unwrap the plate of Christmas cookies, grab one and then walk into the living room eating the cookie. Nevermind that a few days before he was trying to play with one of the hall light switches, fell off the step stool and split his chin open. I swore he was going to need stitches, but the doc said to just keep it clean and bandaged if possible. Yesterday he joined in the brother's book throwing bonanza and nailed Dylan right between the eyes (couldn't get mad at him for that...the brothers set the example and one just happened to pay for it). That little brute has been beating up on the brothers when he doesn't get his way, too. It's actually pretty funny when he snatches a toy right out of one brother's hand, and they aren't strong enough to pry it out of Owey's little fist.

But the thing that happened tonight...well, every parent KNOWS you are not supposed to laugh when they do something obviously wrong. Well I did. I even told Russ and the boys what happened, and Brandon fell out of his chair laughing.

It was story time just before bed. Brandon was already reading with Russ in the living room. Dylan had come out with his choice of books and was squeezing himself into the story chair with Russ and Bugs. Owen wasn't coming out, so I figured he was making a mess out of the bookcase. I should have known better, because he wasn't making any noise. When I stepped into the room, I see O on the top bunk bed looking over the edge at all the tissues he pulled out of the box and let drop to the floor. I scolded him (probably too playfully) and told him to get down. All he did was smile at me and scoot farther away from the ladder. So I climb up the ladder to grab him, and he hucks the empty box at me and nails me in the head. I couldn't help it. First I smiled, then I laughed. The whole thing was just so funny, I could not contain the laughing. I'm carrying the little pill down the ladder telling him he's such a bad boy, but smiling at him the whole time. I know I'm going to pay for this lapse in judgement, but I don't care at the moment.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas 2008 Photos

Christmas, Christmas and more Christmas!

We had a very busy holiday. First we had Russ's family over on Christmas Eve. Diane helped us prepare dinner, and showed me how to make a family eggplant recipe. Vernon swears no one can make the dish better than he can. Based on the only other time I've had it, I'd say he's right. His was kick ass. (You need to give up your secret, brother.) Dinner took longer than anticipated, so the boys kept Scott & Kristin entertained with the Cars movie. Once dinner was on the table, our boys stayed true to form. Brandon tried everything on his plate and ate what he liked. Owen ate everything. Dylan decided it was all yucky and refused to eat. (Stubborn little booger loves beef, too!) He refused to sit at the table, so he spent dinner time in bed. As soon as he heard everyone getting up from the table, he came out and said, "I'm sorry mommy," as sadly as possible. Of course he would, he knew it was present time. So once the table was cleared we got to presents. The boys all got presents they asked for plus more. I just love watching them open their gifts. I watch their faces every time. It never gets old.

Christmas morning we spent alone. We wanted a bit of time just for us. Santa did awesome this year. The boys could not have been happier. Although, I do have to tell you that Deets looked at his gift and started to cry. He had asked Santa for a music box just like Daddy's. (Daddy's is a little cardboard box that was meant to be a Christmas card. When you open it, it plays Christmas music. Well, Russ's grandpa gave it to him, so the boys are not allowed to play with it.) He expected a box JUST LIKE Daddy's. When I asked him why he was so sad, he said Santa didn't bring him his music box. I know that sounds spoiled, but you have to understand, this is all he wanted for Christmas. He didn't ask Santa for anything else. When I showed him that Santa did bring him a music box, and that it was much better than Daddy's, he stopped crying. He loved all the drawers for his treasures and the little horse than spun around. All was right with the world from that moment on.

After our morning of opening stockings and a few presents, we drove over to my mom's house to spend the day there. That was a crazy present paper flying extravaganza. At least their cousin, Hadija, was able to enjoy her presents. She sat on the outskirts of boys whirlwind of activity. The kids tore through their presents so fast, I don't think any of them even saw what they got. They sure didn't see what anyone else got. When it was all done, Deets asked, "Where's more presents?" All I could do was shake my head. The rest of the day was spent playing until dinner time. My brother was nice enough to make dinner: leg of lamb, couscous, broccoli & cheese, and sweet potatoes. It was pretty yummy. Mom even made banana cream pie and chocolate cream pie.

The next couple of days were days of rest. Then we drove down to Dublin on Sunday to spend the evening with Russ's other side of the family: Dad & Kathy, Heather and her family and Scott and Kristin. The kids had a great time playing with their cousin, Coltrane. I don't think they played much with his sister, Georgia. She spent most of her evening with Uncle Scott. We all spent the evening either watching the kids or catching up since we don't see each other often. It was a great evening and the dinner was pretty tasty.

As nice as it is to spend time with family, we were exhausted when it was all said and done. We actually missed one other Christmas gathering at my mom's house that same Sunday. All of my cousins and aunts and uncles (on my mom's side) who live here in California came to visit. So the boys and Hadija are opening more presents today. After today, Christmas is finally done.