Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I shouldn't have laughed

Owen has been a little spit fire lately. He's been unplugging lamps and then trying to plug them back in. He climbed on a chair to get into his highchair, then proceeded to stand on the tray, unwrap the plate of Christmas cookies, grab one and then walk into the living room eating the cookie. Nevermind that a few days before he was trying to play with one of the hall light switches, fell off the step stool and split his chin open. I swore he was going to need stitches, but the doc said to just keep it clean and bandaged if possible. Yesterday he joined in the brother's book throwing bonanza and nailed Dylan right between the eyes (couldn't get mad at him for that...the brothers set the example and one just happened to pay for it). That little brute has been beating up on the brothers when he doesn't get his way, too. It's actually pretty funny when he snatches a toy right out of one brother's hand, and they aren't strong enough to pry it out of Owey's little fist.

But the thing that happened tonight...well, every parent KNOWS you are not supposed to laugh when they do something obviously wrong. Well I did. I even told Russ and the boys what happened, and Brandon fell out of his chair laughing.

It was story time just before bed. Brandon was already reading with Russ in the living room. Dylan had come out with his choice of books and was squeezing himself into the story chair with Russ and Bugs. Owen wasn't coming out, so I figured he was making a mess out of the bookcase. I should have known better, because he wasn't making any noise. When I stepped into the room, I see O on the top bunk bed looking over the edge at all the tissues he pulled out of the box and let drop to the floor. I scolded him (probably too playfully) and told him to get down. All he did was smile at me and scoot farther away from the ladder. So I climb up the ladder to grab him, and he hucks the empty box at me and nails me in the head. I couldn't help it. First I smiled, then I laughed. The whole thing was just so funny, I could not contain the laughing. I'm carrying the little pill down the ladder telling him he's such a bad boy, but smiling at him the whole time. I know I'm going to pay for this lapse in judgement, but I don't care at the moment.

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