Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Crazy people live in River Park

Russ and I were literally walking out the door Saturday when we heard a CHP helicopter over our house telling people to go back into their homes and lock the doors. They said an armed man was in the backyard of a neighbor's home. We looked down the street and saw several officers running onto a neighbor's property 4 houses down from us. It was a little odd that there were only 3 police cars down the street. It was also a little unnerving when the police blocked off our street beginning right in front of our house. Turned out the "crazy drunk man" was on the next street over. Also turned out that he wasn't holding a real gun. It was a pellet gun or something to that effect. By the time we could leave, we were no longer in the mood to go out. All I can say is that I'm thankful my children were not home. They were spending the day at their Lola's house.

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