Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Snow day turned weekend

Friday we decided to take the boys sledding since it was an early day for Brandon. We even invited my brother and his daughter, Hadija, to come with us. What was supposed to just be an afternoon in the snow, turned into a weekend in Tahoe. We did some last minute packing and finally got on the hill around 2pm. Brandon, Dylan and Hadija had a blast. Brandon and Dylan couldn't get enough of the sledding...I take that back. Brandon had enough after he crashed. He was ready to come back to the car with Owen and me to watch movies. Owen was just miserable. He refused to wear his gloves, and freaked out every time he lost his balance and landed on his hands in the snow. He was happier in the car with movies and snacks.

It was a nice weekend hanging out with the kids and looking out at the lake. The boys wanted to build a snowman until they realized how much work it was. I had this small lump of snow for the bottom of the snowman, and the boys decided that it was the head and it needed a face. It was pretty funny.

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