Monday, February 23, 2009

Finally a day with my boys

It feels a little odd to be the mom today. (I've been working so much and gone most days.) It really wasn't hard to fall back into the routine of stay-at-home-mom. I'm realizing how much I miss them now, though. I was tempted to take a nap with Owen & Dylan today, but I knew how hard it would have been to get us all up and out of the house to pick Brandon up from kindergarten. I just want to snuggle my boys today. Luckily they are snuggly in the mornings, so I was able to take advantage. I just may pop in a movie and make some popcorn after school today, just so we can all snuggle some more. Of coarse, Big O will probably get a bit territorial and sit on anyone who comes near me. Apparently I am his mommy and no one elses. He's such a brute!

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