Friday, February 13, 2009

Working, working, working

I have to apologize for neglecting our blog. I have been slowly increasing my hours at the paper, and now I've gone full time. One of my co-workers will be having a baby soon, so my work load is going to double as well. I'll do my best to write and keep you all updated on what we're doing. I may have to push Russ to finally make a blog entry. He really should start telling you all what's going on from his point of view. His wife is just crazy busy. . . sometimes just crazy. Last night I came home from work, gave the boys a bath, worked on a side job, and then made pink rice crispy treats for valentine's goody bags for Brandon's class. After wrapping and then stuffing the treats, Hershey kisses and Brandon's hand made cards into pretty little heart bags, I was pooped and just vegged in front of the tv. I forced myself to watch tv, because I so badly wanted to do some of the laundry that's just piling up in the laundry room. I'm actually blogging at my office right now, because once I get home, I'll probably tackle that laundry after I make myself some dinner. . . I'm rambling. I must be tired.

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