Monday, March 16, 2009

Another reunion

Saturday was the All Hallows All Alumni Reunion. Russ and I met Sonja and her fiancé at the restaurant and hung out at the bar. We haven't seen Sonja in so long, that I think I spent most of the evening talking to her and Jeff. Russ and I did happen to sit across from a guy that was two years ahead of me in school. He was one of the few people I just did not remember from grade school. It was nice talking to him and his wife. She told us that they were high school sweethearts who met up again after 22 years and got married. It was a really sweet story. It was so weird seeing all the kids from the other grades we went to school with. I was so worried about leaving Russ with no one to talk to that I tried to stay by his side most of the night. I shouldn't have worried so much, since he and Jeff actually went to grade school together. They talked about their memories of teachers and classmates and field trips. It was a nice evening, but short. Russ and I had to get home so we could rest up for t-ball the following morning.

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