Friday, March 13, 2009

The last snow day

Brandon had another of his early days at kindergarten, so we took Brandon & Dylan up the mountain to do some sledding. They were really excited when we finally told them where we were going. They watched a movie and fell asleep about 15 minutes before we got there. When we woke them up, Brandon was whiny and crying. He just wanted to stay in the car and sleep. Dylan took about 15 minutes to wake up and get going. His first ride down the hill was with me, and my feet sprayed snow all over us. He announced that he was done sledding. That didn't go over too well, since Brandon was sitting on the ground continuing to complain about how he didn't feel good and wanted to sleep in the car. Brandon spent the afternoon pouting and complaining from the sidelines. We were able to talk Dylan into sledding with Russ, and eventually he went down the hill all buy himself. It was so cute watching him slide down on the same disk Russ used when he was a kid. He thought that was the absolute best! He had a great day sledding and climbing the big piles of snow. In the mean time, Brandon decided to pout in one of the sleds so he didn't have to sit on the cold ground. Just before we left we found him asleep in the sled. He got his way. He just slept outside in the snow instead of the car. On the way home, he woke up and said he felt better, watched another movie and happily munched on chips.

Then that same night, Brandon woke up getting sick in his bed. It was just horrible. It was like he had a stomach flu, because he just couldn't stop throwing up. Talk about feeling like the worst parents in the world! We didn't believe him when he said he didn't feel good out in the snow. We thought he was just making an excuse to go back to the car for a nap. Turns out he really was sick... We just couldn't put it together, because he seemed just fine in the car on the way there and on the way back. Not one single complaint. I still feel so horrible just thinking about that day.

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