Friday, April 24, 2009

Want to know where not to eat?

It seems we have just been having horrible luck with dining out lately...

Tonight Russ wanted a Shrimp Louie salad from Sellands. (I got him hooked on them while I was pregnant with Owen.) I thought it was a bit ironic that I'd just had a conversation with someone regarding how Sellands is a complete rip off, and now my husband wanted to eat there. He's actually been complaining about the portions getting smaller for some time now, but keeps going back only to get pissed off again. Tonight was the straw that broke the camel's back. I looked at their online menu to see if they still served their turkey w/ brie sandwich. After seeing how much it was, I chose to go with a salad too. I noticed that they no longer listed a large and small size for the Shrimp Louis, so I called to see if we could still order a large. I was told that I could. I also ordered a different large salad for myself. Well, Russ brings the salads home, takes them out of the bag and was disgusted with what he saw. They threw a whole heart of romaine in a box, dumped a small scoop of dressing on it, sprinkled about 8 shrimp and a couple of chopped tomatoes. It was so small and sparse that he promptly returned it. When he asked for his money back, they couldn't figure out how much to give him back. Technically they sold him a small salad for the price of a large. Instead of refunding his money like he asked, they offered to make the salad a large one. That is when Russ told them that he'd been eating there for years and it seems like the portions just keep getting smaller and smaller yet the prices remain the same. He told them he was done with Sellands, and that he didn't plan on ever coming back. That is when he asked for his money back again. They promptly returned his money and tried to give him some free desserts, but he was so irritated and done with the place, he refused and left. Personally, the only reason I've gone is for the turkey sandwich, and I regret it every time. The sandwich is almost $9 and it is good but it is so small it never fills me up. Some of the staff are so rude that I can't believe I just paid to be treated like that. It only took tonight to tell me that I was done with the place as well. Some of our friends have been complaining about Sellands for months now with the same issues. I think Sellands needs to wake up and realize some of their losses financially aren't from the economy but are from fed up customers like ourselves.

On a better note I just had lunch from Cafe Bernardo yesterday. The food is just as good, if not better...Not that this a fair comparison since Sellands is more like a deli and Bernardo is a full service restaurant. Then again, price-wise it's more than fair. Who pays for deli food when you can be served at a restaurant? Bernardo's portions are so much larger, actually bordering on too much, and so very tasty. My mouth waters just thinking about my lunch. If given the choice what would you choose?

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