Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dylan's thought process

I posted this on Facebook yesterday and decided it just had to be on the blog. It's not often that we get little gems like this from Dylan. He's usually too busy trying to get everyone to do what he wants.

So I'm driving Dylan and Owen home from preschool yesterday when I hear Deets sneeze. Keeping my eyes on the road, I immediately grab a tissue and pass it back to him. A second later I hear, "It's orange!" I glance in my mirror and see has a little blood rimming his nose, so I tell him that he probably just has a bloody nose. Well, since he's never had a bloody nose, this explanation of orange snot just won't do. That's when he tells me, "No, I think it was my cherries (from lunchtime)....But how did a cherry get up my nose?"

I couldn't laugh out loud, because he was so serious asking me his question. He would have been so upset by my out burst. All I could say was, "I don't know, honey," and leave it at that. (And just to clarify, there wasn't a dried cherry stuck up his nose.)

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