Friday, September 11, 2009

School days are back

Brandon and his pal, Paulina

Well, we all survived our first week of school. Brandon is our big first grader experiencing a real school schedule. We're at school every morning at 8 which has been quite a challenge for our mini Russ who enjoys his sleep. He's gotten up every day so far cranky and loud protesting his need to get up citing that he's still tired and not going to school that day. Thankfully, the walk to school mellows him out. He becomes lost in his own imagination gathering leaves and sticks and whatever else he finds appealing. Who knows what they become once they are in his hands...good vs evil? Wall-E and Eva taking him on an adventure on the Axiom? Or just some really cool stuff that he just can't bear to leave behind? Only Brandon knows because if you ask him, you break the illusion that he's created and he can't quite make it back into his head before he reaches school.

The first day was definitely the hardest. New schedule, new teacher, new classroom and only a few of the same faces from last year. He enjoyed the 3 recesses they get, but found it difficult to eat his lunch in the cafeteria the first day. He had no idea there was a time limit, so being on Brandon time only made it through his crackers and some raisins and some juice. The second day Brandon asked me to only give him two things so he could be sure to finish his lunch. I haven't really learned much about school since I haven't been able to pick him up. I miss the walk home from school with Brandon. That's where I was able to wheedle out of him the events of the previous 3 hours. Now there's 6 hours and I don't get to talk to him until dinner time, at which time he's forgotten all about school. Not liking this set up one bit!

Owen & Dylan, the preschool duo

Owen and Dylan started preschool this week too. Dylan is completely bummed that his favorite friend has started kindergarten. According to Dylan, he's already played all the jobs and Gracie is gone, so he doesn't want to go back anymore. He ended up going back the second day without much of a fight. He really has a good time, and now that he's one of the "big" kids, he gets to go in the back room and learn all his pre-k stuff. Owen on the other hand acts like he doesn't even have a brother. I take that back...Owen did venture over to Dylan a couple of times and tried to take Dylan's "job". According to Dylan, Owen didn't want to play with him. Owen is the most independent of all our boys, and honestly doesn't need a brother to keep him entertained. D, on the other hand, is pretty needy. He wants to be wanted and played with and needed and followed. I guess that's another reason preschool turned out to be a bummer. Poor D! We'll see how week two goes. Owen only had two infractions this week (not putting away his job/toy and refusing to join circle time), so we feel we are off to a good start!

A couple of the preschool "jobs" the boys enjoy

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