Wednesday, December 16, 2009

It's been a while

I know my blog is hit or miss these days...well, mostly miss. It's a reflection of my life at the moment. Everything that could have been considered normal ended when Russ took on the Santa Cruz house. We all expected it to take up the remainder of the summer, but seeing as it's almost Christmas, it looks like we were all off base with that prediction. It's no one's fault. It's just how things turned out.

This schedule reminds me a bit of when Russ still had a job. We would maybe see him on the weekends, and briefly in the mornings before he'd disappear into work until midnight. The big difference is he isn't bringing home a check. The plus side is that we've spent probably 5-6 weeks in Santa Cruz this year. The boys have been spoiled this year with all the hours they've clocked at the beach and in the forest. They love going to "grandma-grandpa" house, even though they can't play outside. They get so excited whenever they see the deer, and they are dying for the deck to be done so they can go out on it.

I can't say when I'll get back to blogging on a regular basis, but I did want to check in and let you know that I'm not giving up on writing here. Thank you to the family and friends who have helped out where you can. We appreciate it beyond measure!

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