Wednesday, November 24, 2010

No more diapers...or so I thought

Well, it took quite a long time, but Dylan was finally out of pull-ups by the end of July. Talk about a LONG hard road to haul with that kid. Once he conquered his fear of "poo on the potty," he was wearing underpants and never looked back. Thank God! I swore he was going to start school still in pull-ups. How horrible would that have been?????

Owen was well on his way to potty training, too. He would have long stretches of doing everything on the potty. Then he wouldn't do so well at all. He wanted so badly to be the big boy, but sometimes playing took precedence over his body's needs. We recently went from wearing underpants to bed to wearing pull-ups...too many mornings of wet sheets. We are almost diaper-free. Really looking forward to that day!

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