Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Santa Cruz with family

Left to right: Owen, Me, Auntie Norma, Britney, Marlyn's husband-Steve, Dylan, Brandon, Cousin Marlyn, Samantha and Russ

We spent some time in Santa Cruz with my cousin, Marlyn, and her family this summer. We spent time at the beach, shopping in Capitola, hiking in the forest, going on rides at the Boardwalk and poking around the wharf. The weather did not cooperate at all. The sun may have been out a few days, but the wind was just horrible. The beach was tolerable behind the wind barricades, although the kids didn't even notice. They played in the ocean and sand for hours. At least we were able to enjoy a little vacation time together. The boys loved that they were able to share their special place with their cousins.

Sisters: my Aunt Norma and mom, Gloria

Love this shot of Sam giving Dylan a piggy-back ride

Second cousins: Brandon, Britney, Samantha, Dyaln and Owen

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