Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Brandon's 1st Day of Kindergarten

Russ and I took Brandon to school today for his first day of kindergarten, while my mom stayed home with the baby. When we got to school, we walked him over to the kindergarten playground to play until school started. He didn't really play with anyone in particular. He was just enjoying his new surroundings. We saw one of the girls from Brandon's soccer team there with her parents. We were relieved that Brandon would know at least one person in class. Turns out he played with Emma at recess today. That was good to hear, since Brandon tends to keep to himself in new situations. We walked him into the classroom when it was time for class, took some pictures, gave him hugs and kisses and a wave goodbye. He looked so comfortable with his surroundings and ready to start his day. I was so proud of him. The shocker? I didn't cry leaving him there. I was pretty confident he was going to have a good first day. Turns out he did. He was so excited to show us what he'd done that day. He did a lot of coloring and cutting and pasting. He also told us he went on the "baby potty" at school. When I asked him what that meant, he said they had small toilets just the right size for him. He was pretty happy about that.

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