Sunday, September 21, 2008

Owen's new sleep routine

We have managed to get Owen to fall asleep in his own crib at night! Major victory! He's still taking a bottle before bed. Recently, instead of falling asleep when he's done eating, he's been just rolling off our bed to go play. So, my solution was to put him in his crib with his bottle at the boys' bedtime. He took the bottle, but I could tell he was not happy seeing me walk out of the room. As soon as he was done eating, he through his bottle on the floor and started crying. Well, his brothers were not about to put up with that noise, so they started playing with him. Owen quickly stopped crying and all we heard was running and laughing in the boys' room. We let them play because we wanted Owen to realize that sleeping with his brothers in their room could be fun. Worked like a charm! He's been doing the same thing every night now. The playing and craziness has subsided, because Owen is asleep within 10 minutes of getting his bottle. Now if he could only sleep through the night every night, we'd really be in business. We're guessing another month, and he'll be there.

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