Thursday, September 25, 2008

Mommy moment

After Brandon, Owen & I dropped Deets off at preschool, we stopped at Starbucks. I just wanted a cup of decaf coffee, nothing special. I also grabbed a blueberry muffin for the boys to share. I should have known that things were not going to go well when I heard a whine, "I don't want a muffin. I want pumpkin loaf." (Before I go on with my story, let me just say that when I want to add cream to my coffee, I have to put Owen down. When that happens, he make a bee line for the door and can actually open it and leave the building.) So I grab my coffee and hand the bag of food to Brandon. I want to add cream to the coffee, so I put Owen down and try to pin him with my legs so he doesn't take off. No success. Luckily he ignores the door. Not so lucky, he's grabbing the food bag and he and his brother are locked in a tug-o-war over the food yelling and crying and screaming at the top of their lungs. I just had to ignore them just so I could finish with the cream and put the top back on my coffee. I then pick up the baby, take the food away from Brandon, grab my coffee, apologize to those nearest me and walk out the door. By the time the kids are in the car, I've forgotten the coffee is on the roof of the car and very nearly drove away. I saved the coffee (thank goodness, because I didn't want to have to go in and get another one) and had to endure the fighting in the car. Did I mention, they didn't have any decaf brewed? I settled for regular coffee, because I didn't want the kids to go crazy waiting.

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