Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A creative afternoon

It's been about a month now, but Owen remembers like it was yesterday. We had a paint day, and it was the best day ever for O. A day to get messy and creative...and maybe experiment with the taste of paint. Well! It looks so pretty it must taste good! No so, Owey-O! He found that out a couple of times. Dylan was a two fisted painter jabbing and hitting the paper. Owen was a bit more methodical. Owen kept venturing to the other side of the easel to see what Deets was doing. Owen asked to "color outside" almost everyday after that.

The artists at work (above & below)

Owen proudly standing in front of his work
Dylan refused to take a picture with his painting, so Owey stepped in

Photos: Echo Summit and Tahoe end of January

I finally remembered to download photos from the last month and found these. The boys had so much fun, we're thinking we'll go again soon. Maybe try a different snow park this time.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Finally a day with my boys

It feels a little odd to be the mom today. (I've been working so much and gone most days.) It really wasn't hard to fall back into the routine of stay-at-home-mom. I'm realizing how much I miss them now, though. I was tempted to take a nap with Owen & Dylan today, but I knew how hard it would have been to get us all up and out of the house to pick Brandon up from kindergarten. I just want to snuggle my boys today. Luckily they are snuggly in the mornings, so I was able to take advantage. I just may pop in a movie and make some popcorn after school today, just so we can all snuggle some more. Of coarse, Big O will probably get a bit territorial and sit on anyone who comes near me. Apparently I am his mommy and no one elses. He's such a brute!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Working, working, working

I have to apologize for neglecting our blog. I have been slowly increasing my hours at the paper, and now I've gone full time. One of my co-workers will be having a baby soon, so my work load is going to double as well. I'll do my best to write and keep you all updated on what we're doing. I may have to push Russ to finally make a blog entry. He really should start telling you all what's going on from his point of view. His wife is just crazy busy. . . sometimes just crazy. Last night I came home from work, gave the boys a bath, worked on a side job, and then made pink rice crispy treats for valentine's goody bags for Brandon's class. After wrapping and then stuffing the treats, Hershey kisses and Brandon's hand made cards into pretty little heart bags, I was pooped and just vegged in front of the tv. I forced myself to watch tv, because I so badly wanted to do some of the laundry that's just piling up in the laundry room. I'm actually blogging at my office right now, because once I get home, I'll probably tackle that laundry after I make myself some dinner. . . I'm rambling. I must be tired.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Snow day turned weekend

Friday we decided to take the boys sledding since it was an early day for Brandon. We even invited my brother and his daughter, Hadija, to come with us. What was supposed to just be an afternoon in the snow, turned into a weekend in Tahoe. We did some last minute packing and finally got on the hill around 2pm. Brandon, Dylan and Hadija had a blast. Brandon and Dylan couldn't get enough of the sledding...I take that back. Brandon had enough after he crashed. He was ready to come back to the car with Owen and me to watch movies. Owen was just miserable. He refused to wear his gloves, and freaked out every time he lost his balance and landed on his hands in the snow. He was happier in the car with movies and snacks.

It was a nice weekend hanging out with the kids and looking out at the lake. The boys wanted to build a snowman until they realized how much work it was. I had this small lump of snow for the bottom of the snowman, and the boys decided that it was the head and it needed a face. It was pretty funny.