Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ok, this is a total "mom" post. So sorry!

Sorry, but I have to report that Owen has tackled the scariest part of potty training tonight. He's been saying for weeks that he wants to "go poo on the potty" right before bath time. No luck beyond the pee. Well tonight he was victorious. I left him in the bathroom for some alone time, and sure enough, I hear this excited yelling that he he went poo in the potty. I came in to this radiant smile. It was just awesome that he had no fear like my other 2 boys. He just decided tonight was the night and made it happen. He walked away with a fist full of M&M's which he proudly showed to his brothers. That's when Dylan whined, "When do I get M&M's?" He now has seen what he gets if he ever goes poo on the potty. I am hoping and praying this will be Dylan's turning point, and he'll stop being a non-pooing stubborn mule of a boy. Maybe, just maybe, Dylan will be potty trained before he starts kindergarten.

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