Saturday, April 3, 2010

Spring Break in Santa Cruz

I am very thankful the way the calendar played out this year. Typically Easter falls later in the month than it did this year, making it impossible for me to get away for spring break with my family. (My work schedule has me Sacramento bound between the 5th and 20th of each month.) This year with Easter so early, I was able to "relax" with the family on the coast for the week. I admit the rain did dampen our plans, but we still made it out of the house nearly every day to do something.

We spent a good 4 or 5 days at the beach and a couple more hiking in the forest. On two separate occasions, two of my boys were nearly run over by cars. If you find gray hairs on my head, you will know where they came from. Brandon was very nearly run over by the lifeguard truck because he had layed down in a hole right in the path of the beach patrol. He'd go huddle in that hole when he felt cold, and we thought nothing of it. When I saw the truck pass by on the beach, it slowly dawned on me that Brandon was laying in it's path. I looked back and sure enough the tire tracks head directly at him and then veer around his hole. I stood shaking my head, because I felt like an negligent parent and also because Brandon saw the truck coming and still didn't move. The lifeguard made sure to let us know Brandon shouldn't be where he was, because it was a busy weekend and if there was an emergency, a lifeguard may not see him laying in his hole. Talk about feeling like an idiot. All I could do is nod my head, because just the day before the beach patrol and paramedics had been called because a couple of people were pulled pretty far out by a riptide. Brandon for sure would have been run over that day.

The second incident happened the last day we spent at the beach. We were carrying our things back to the car. Owen was out ahead of everyone because he wanted to be first. We told him over and over as he reached the sidewalk to wait for us. "Owen, wait there!" All he could see were his brothers coming and he wanted to be first to the car, so he ran out in the street in front of a moving car. I just about died. I literally could not make my body move. I was frozen as I yelled my baby's name. He stopped and came back on the sidewalk looking completely confused. He had no idea what he did wrong. We were so lucky that driver had slowed down because Owen was standing right on the edge of the sidewalk. When he bolted in the street, the van was going slow enough that stopping wasn't difficult. I am so thankful for that careful driver!

Aside from those heart stopping moments, we had a wonderful time collecting beach treasures and playing in the water and sand. The hikes in the forest were fun too, but convincing all of them to go was difficult. They were usually too comfy in their jammies playing XBox games. In the end we forced everyone to go. Nisene Marks was lush and green and beautiful. Even when it began to rain, it was a wonderful place to be. The boys loved it.

The kids could have stayed longer in Santa Cruz. They just love it there. Who cares if they sleep on the floor. They wake up to views of the ocean, property ripe for lizard catchin, and the guarantee they are either going to the beach or the forest that day. They have it so good. If only they knew how lucky they are.

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