Saturday, April 10, 2010

Why do they wait so long to tell you the important stuff???

All 3 boys got into trouble today for, I guess you could say being themselves. They were fighting and crying and carrying on, so I put all 3 on time out. After their time out, I sat down to talked to all of them about being brothers. We had this discussion about protecting each other when they are out in public, and how it should be the same at home and how we need to use our words and listen better.

Anyway, after this is all said and done, Brandon tells me that he and the neighbor were walking together at recess one day, when two older boys came up to them and just pushed them down. Well, the neighbor pushed back and so did Brandon. I guess punches were thrown and my boy ended up in the nurses office with ice packs on both eyes. Apparently this all happened "a long time ago." I was so pissed that I was never told. I vaguely remember noticing Brandon's eye looking a little red and asking him about it, but I got an "I don't know" answer. I'd say that was at least a month ago. I was relieved that he actually fought back and didn't just stand there while some older boy beat him up. I'm not happy with the teacher's response when Brandon told her what happened. She basically told him not to go to that part of the playground again. WTF! I'm so livid I can't wait for school to open on Monday.

What I hate is the uneasy feeling I have now just wondering what else I don't know.

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