Friday, August 9, 2013

For the love of writing. For the love of ME.

I started this blog years ago because I love to write and tell stories about my family. It was a good way for our extended family to keep up with the everyday silliness and absurdities we called our life. You've been able to see what annoys us, when we are sick, when someone reaches a milestone, or when someone does something endearing. Over the last several years, though, it has become harder and harder to write. To say it simply, "Our lives have become more complicated."

A lot has happened to us, but I won't bore you with that. I will say that our hard times made an impact on my priorities and writing about what was happening wasn't one of them. Lately I have come to realize there's been a shift. Our lives have changed, our outlook has changed, the load we carry feels a bit lighter. With all this light breaking through the darkness, I feel like I'm still standing in the shadows wanting to feel the sun on my face. The sun is there. All I have to do is look up. I've spent a good chunk of my time taking care of everyone else and making them happy, that I've lost touch with myself and what makes me happy. Writing made me happy because it was "me" time. I loved to take time crafting a story out of something that caught my attention. Instead, my "me" time is 5 minutes here and there of checking my accounts and posting little snippets of our life on Facebook and Instagram. Kind of funny. If you are familiar with What's up with the Fullers? and Just a Moment in Fuller Time, you might see those 2 blogs were exactly what I post in social media only in more detail.

Now I'm back. How lame was I to just let this go? This was my joy. I miss writing. A LOT. Hoping I can find my groove again and find fun things to write about. Fingers crossed...

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