Sunday, September 9, 2007

Dylan's a big boy now!

Our little Deeters has graduated to the big boy bed. I've been letting him sleep in Brandon's bed for naps on the days Brandon goes to preschool, and D has done really well. So this weekend while he was at my mom's house, Russ and I went out and bought a new mattress and sheets. He came home tonight to see his crib gone, new artwork on the walls and his trundle bed all made up with his things in it. He was not impressed. It turned out he wanted Brandon's bed, which worked out well, because Brandon wanted the trundle bed. So the boys swapped beds and everyone was happy. (The bed swap will actually make Brandon's future move to the top bunk all that much easier.)

Dylan was so excited about his new bed, he kept playing on it like it was a big toy. Climbing in and out, jumping off of it, jumping to bump his head on the top bunk (on purpose), jumping on his brother's bed. He's never been like that at nap time, so I suggested that Russ rock him to sleep. That did the trick...a little too well since Russ fell asleep, too.

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