Thursday, September 27, 2007

Russ is broken / Boys check ups

Well it was bound to happen! After spending most of our vacation carrying Dylan around, Russ's back finally seized up. He ended up at the doctor yesterday and came home with some pretty heavy medication. He's been in bed since yesterday afternoon. He was up for a little while today, but he moves around like his entire upper body is in a cast.

I ended up taking all three boys to the doctor for check ups by myself today. Dylan could have stayed home since his appointment isn't until November, but I wanted Russ to be able to rest. Brandon and Dylan were balls of energy in that lobby. I think they knew I couldn't do much with the baby strapped to the front of me in the Baby Bjorn. When I made them sit down they acted like they were physically in pain. Then when we were called back, Dylan stopped at the front door of the office and wanted to leave. When I told him we couldn't yet, he threw himself on the floor. I did what any outnumbered mother would do. I grabbed his arm just under the armpit and pulled him to his feet (several times) until he was standing, and not letting go, made him walk back to our room. He whined and cried the whole way there.

Brandon did really well, considering he had to get four shots for the start of kindergarten next fall. Dylan watched Brandon as he got his shots, and didn't move a muscle. That was the only time that child stopped moving while we were there. Brandon had a sight test and tested perfect. He also had a hearing test, but was too confused to push the button or raise his hand when he was supposed to. He's a super healthy boy, and so happy to know that he won't have to have another shot until he's 12...oh! I forgot about flu shots! I just lied to my child!!!!

Owen had his check up, as well. He smiled through the whole exam. Brandon got to be the doctor's helper during Owen's exam, and he really enjoyed that. He loves to help out with the baby. Well, Owen is just as big as we thought he was. He was at the high end of the percentage scale for weight and height. He did really well with his shots, too. He turned beet red before he started crying, but stopped as soon as all the shots were over. He was asleep before we even made it to the car.

We all went to preschool after the doctor to drop Brandon off. He made it just in time for the last part of his gymnastics class. He must have told each child individually that he went to the doctor and got four stickers. Funny how they forget the worst part and love to tell about the best part.

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