Saturday, September 1, 2007

Go Diego Go Live!

Today we surprised Brandon and Dylan with the Go Diego Go Live! show at the Memorial Auditorium. We got there early enough to load up on souvenirs, and then we took our seats. The boys had no idea what was going on or what to expect. They just sat in their seats people watching and eating their pretzels. When the show started their eyes were as big as saucers and Brandon's mouth was actually hanging open. The show was pretty interactive. Most of the kids there were jumping, dancing, growling, and answering the questions Diego and Alicia were asking. Not our kids. Brandon has never been one to participate with the cartoon on tv, so it wasn't a surprise that he wasn't going to participate at the theater. Dylan just loved watching everything. In the end, Brandon said the show was too loud and that he liked "parts," but wouldn't elaborate on what those parts were. When we asked Deets if he liked the show, he said yes. The most surprising part of the day was that our kids actually stayed seated and didn't squirm the whole show. Russ and I agreed that the show was entirely too long. I'm sorry, but I don't think kids' shows should be so long that they need an intermission.

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