Monday, August 24, 2009

First day of art camp

Our homework we did tonight. Sorry about the photo quality. I took it with my phone.

Brandon & I attended our first day of 3D art camp. The camp is taught by Mark Kistler from The Secret City and Imagination Station. I remember watching The Secret City on PBS when I was in grade school. Brandon was so fascinated by all the stories Mark came up with while drawing that he forgot that he was supposed to be drawing too. There he sat with his mouth wide open just staring at the screen as Mark was drawing. Mark busted him a couple of times just staring and not drawing. Brandon would just smile and get back to work. Even though Brandon was frustrated that his pictures didn't look perfect, he really had a good time because Mark is so animated and fun to learn from. Our little perfectionist is learning that drawing doesn't have to be perfect when you're just practicing. By the end of the week, he's going to come away with a whole new perspective on drawing. I may even have to go buy him a new sketch pad and pencils. It has been at least 10 years since I've picked up a pencil and paper to just draw. I think by the end of the week, I may have a renewed interest in drawing. It's something that Brandon and I can enjoy doing together.

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