Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Gluing my hair back in

STRESSFUL EVENING!!!!!! Brought the boys home from Grandma's house this evening. They yelled in the car the whole way home and didn't hear a word I said all evening. When we got home I told Brandon, "Don't open the car door. There are people walking on the sidewalk." I hear, "Ok Mommy." 10 seconds later I'm walking around the car to let the kids out and the door is wide open and the people are walking on the grass to get around the door and my kid. If there was such a thing as a self-destruct button on a person, mine was pushed 20 minutes later. Boys were in the bath, half the water was on the floor and not a one could hear a word I was saying. As far as they were concerned, I wasn't even in the bathroom with them. I guess that's day two without a bath. I managed to wash everyone's hair, but that's it. I'm hollering, yanking wet bodies out of the tub...the evening was completely out of control. I managed to get them dry and dressed and put them straight to bed. The "Mommy!" round began but quickly died when I told them, "I'm done with you boys for tonight. Go to sleep." The surprising thing is they did. Thankful for small favors.

So far I haven't broken down in tears, but man I feel them coming. Just want my husband to come home to help me stay just a little bit sane. So thankful that our moms are helping to watch the kids so I can work, but the evenings are the hardest without Russell. That's when everything starts to fall apart, and when I miss him the most. If we have a rough day, we stay up talking after the kids go to bed. Not having him to talk to for the last week has been really hard. Can't wait to see him next week.

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